Top 10k strings from Number Six in the Village (1989)(Global Games)[re-release].tzx
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2 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 2 ((((((((((((((( 1 z5z>zIzSz^ztzyz 1 w&w.w9wAwUw 1 tune=tune+1 1 s#r####s#r 1 extvec=34688 1 extvec,195 1 YOU!NGrCE.,AHAHAHAMATION.. 1 SIX 1 NUMBER 6 B 1 NUMBER 6 Ahk 1 NUMBER 6 @_ 1 NUMBER 6 V 1 NUMBER 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 A PAWed game o hacker 1 >DD8D8@@@xDDD 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>||||||||||||||| 1 "vocabulary. Entries should be in the usual two word format eg." 1 "several objects eg." 1 "prints a list of what you're" 1 "or AND and THEN eg." 1 "displays your score so far." 1 "describes your present location." 1 "carrying and wearing." 1 "You'll be lucky." 1 "You must ESCAPE, return home, and report this place to the authorities so that action can be taken." 1 "You hand in your resignation and drive to your London home to begin preparing for a short vacation." 1 "You can type several commands on one line linked by punctuation" 1 "You begin to explore. You discover the Village is located on an unfamiliar island, cut off from the mainland and surrounded by miles of open sea with no apparent means of escape." 1 "You awake in a room which is an exact replica of your own. Looking through the window you are shocked to find yourself in the surroundings of a strange looking village. Why have you been brought here? For what purpose?" 1 "You are a top government agent working for British Intelligence. You suddenly decide to resign. However THEY won't let you. You know too much!" 1 "WEST (W)" 1 "WEAR THE LARGE HAT" 1 "The game understands IT and THEM" 1 "The game has quite a large" 1 "TIE THE ROPE TO THE DOOR" 1 "TALK TO NUMBER 4" 1 "TAKE THE CUP,EXAMINE IT THEN " 1 "Some possible types of commands are listed below." 1 "Saves your position to memory. Quicker than saving to tape but data will be lost if computer is turned off or reset." 1 "SPECIAL COMMANDS" 1 "SOUTH (S)" 1 "Recalls this list!" 1 "REMOVE CLOTHES" 1 "R (REDESCRIBE) or LOOK" 1 "QUIT or STOP" 1 "PUT CANDLE IN HOLDER" 1 "PULL THE GRILLE" 1 "P. RICHMOND" 1 "Obviously you will need to use your vast experience as a secret agent. Making a map will help. Also make good use of the EXAMINE command. If you really get stuck, send a SAE to-" 1 "OPEN THE DOOR" 1 "NORTH (N)" 1 "MOVEMENT" 1 "Load back a previously RAMSAVE'd game position." 1 "If you played their game and cooperated you might possibly be allowed to leave. However until you do give them the information they want you seem doomed to spend the rest of your days in THE VILLAGE. The village is small and picturesque, with adequate facilities and entertainment, and all comforts seem to be provided for. However, you resent the fact that you are being held captive against your will." 1 "I or INVENTORY" 1 "HIT THE SHOPKEEPER" 1 "GO NORTH.UNLOCK DOOR THEN E,S,NE" 1 "GET THE SWORD" 1 "GET THE BADGE AND THE ROPE" 1 "GET ROPE, but sometimes you will need to elaborate." 1 "GET EVERYTHING EXCEPT THE ROPE" 1 "For a list of the types of commands you may use in the game simply type 'COMMANDS' at any time." 1 "Exceptions are also understood-" 1 "EXAMINE THE CUP,ROPE AND SADDLE" 1 "EXAMINE SWORD" 1 "EAST (E)" 1 "DROP ROPE" 1 "DROP ALL EXCEPT THE CUP" 1 "COMMANDS" 1 "BLACKPOOL" 1 "Ask if you wish to terminate the current game." 1 "As you pack your suitcase a jet of gas sprays through the keyhole of your door causing you to black out." 1 "Also one command can refer to" 1 "Allows you to save the present state of play on a blank tape so you can continue where you left off later." 1 "Allows you to load back a previously SAVE'd position." 1 "All citizens of the Village are known only as 'numbers' ruled by the enigmatic unseen 'NUMBER ONE' and his subordinate chief administrator 'NUMBER TWO'. Some numbers have been held here for years and have come to accept the village way of life. Your 'number' is 6. You are THE PRISONER." 1 "AND GET ROPE" 1 "AND EXAMINE THEM" 1 "66, STAINING ROAD" 1 "----------------" 1 "--------" 1 "(special thanks to Gilsoft-PAW)" 1 " BE SEEING YOU"